Svn,Subversion,Centralized Version Control System(CVCS)。
Table of Contents
1. SVN Checkout, Create working copy
svn checkout/co URL PATH
svn co https://www.thegeekstuff.com/project/branches/release/migration/data/cfg /home/sasikala/cfg/
2. SVN Commit, Save changes to the repository
svn commit -m "log messages" svn-commands
svn commit -m "Making the file empty"
3. SVN List, Lists directory entries
svn list
svn list --verbose https://www.thegeekstuff.com/project/branches/release/migration/data/bin
4. SVN Add, Add a new file to SVN repository
svn add thegeekstuff
svn commit -m "Adding a file thegeekstuff" thegeekstuff
5. SVN Delete, Removing a file from repository
svn delete URL
svn delete thegeekstuff
svn commit -m "Removing thegeekstuff file" thegeekstuff
6. SVN Diff, Display the difference
svn diff filename
svn -r R1:R2 diff filename
svn diff thegeekstuff
7. SVN Status, Status of the working copy
svn status PATH
svn status /home/sasikala/cfg
8. SVN Log, Display log message
svn log PATH
svn log thegeekstuff
9. SVN Move, Rename file or directory
svn move src dest
svn move thegeekstuff tgs
10. SVN Update, Update the working copy
svn update PATH
svn update